2025 is special year for Furley Page as we celebrate our 300th anniversary
- Conveyancing and residential property
- Family law
- Wills
- Succession planning and asset protection
- Probate
- Contested wills, trusts and probate
- Elderly and vulnerable client
- Powers of attorney
- Court of Protection
- Trust management
- French property and estates
- Personal injury claims
- Medical and clinical negligence claims
- Employment law for employees
- Bankruptcy
- Home
Legal services
For you & your family
- For you & your family
- Conveyancing and residential property
- Family law
- Wills
- Succession planning and asset protection
- Probate
- Contested wills, trusts and probate
- Elderly and vulnerable client
- Powers of attorney
- Court of Protection
- Trust management
- French property and estates
- Personal injury claims
- Medical and clinical negligence claims
- Employment law for employees
- Bankruptcy
- For business
Specialist sectors
- Specialist sectors
- Agriculture and rural business
- Automotive
- Charities and not-for-profit
- Dentists
- Education
- Equine
- Food and drink
- Health and care
- Hospitality and leisure
- Manufacturing and distribution
For you & your family
- Our people
- Reviews
About us
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Furley Page LLP (“the LLP”) is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under registration number OC317755. Our registered office is at 39 St Margaret’s Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2TX.
A limited liability partnership is a body corporate which has “members”. However, it is more usual for senior professionals to be referred to as “partners”. The members of the LLP have decided to retain the traditional title of “partner”. There is, however, no partnership between the members or between the members and the LLP. A reference on this website or otherwise in the course of your dealings with the LLP, to a person being a “partner”, is a reference to that person in his or her capacity as a member of the LLP. References to “firm”, “we”, “us” or “our” are references to the LLP.
Any advice given to (or other work done for) you by a member, employee or consultant of the LLP is given (or done) by that person on behalf of the LLP and not in his or her individual capacity and no such person assumes any personal responsibility to you for the advice or other work.
You can inspect a list of the names of the members of the LLP at our registered office address during normal business hours or find such details at Companies House.
We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
You can find a copy of the SRA Standards and Regulations, which includes the SRA Codes of Conduct, at www.sra.org.uk
Furley Page LLP Law Society Number is: 00063227
Furley Page LLP registration VAT number is: GB 201 3357 19