
Your business or club will need a licence from your local authority if you wish to supply alcohol, provide public entertainment in the form of films, plays, sporting events, music and dancing or if you wish to provide hot food or drinks after 11pm.

We can assist pubs, restaurants, sporting and proprietary clubs, off-licences, late-night takeaway venues and other retail outlets selling alcohol related products in applying for new licences.

We also provide legal advice on dealing with transfers of licences, if you are considering purchasing an existing business.

Complexities of the licensing laws and procedures

We understand the complexities of the licensing laws and procedures and will guide you through the process.

From drafting the initial application documents, speaking to the various licensing officers, dealing with objectors and, if required, representing you at the hearing of your application.

We can also assist in preserving your licence or operating hours if your existing licence is subject to challenge from the local authority, the police or other representatives.

There are substantial legal penalties for undertaking unlicensed activities. For the protection of your business you should seek advice from a solicitor experienced in licensing laws.

How can we help you?

Why choose Furley Page for advice on licensing laws

We understand that time is critical to your business. It makes good business sense to use an experienced solicitor to ensure that your application is made correctly and not rejected and delayed, as a result of mistakes in the paperwork or procedures.

Contact Jeremy Ferris to find out how we can help you.

Fee guidance

All work is supervised by a Partner. For information and guidance on fees for licensing work carried out by Furley Page,  download our easy-to-use pdf >

How can we help you?