Court of Protection team

Our team is made up of experts highly skilled in advising on Court of Protection matters.


Head of team, Nicola August is an Approved Panel Deputy of the Court of Protection and the only one in East Kent and Medway.

Senior legal advisers in our team are Accredited Lifetime Lawyers, some of the most qualified lawyers in the country for supporting vulnerable and older people with the right legal advice.

The Office of the Public Guardian assess services provided by Panel Deputies through their Panel Deputy Assurance Visit system. The Furley Page team passed their most recent assessment with flying colours.

All members of the team will act on your behalf and that of your loved one with sensitivity and professionalism.

Contact Nicola August to find out how we can help you.

Team accreditations


Nicola August is acting in the best interests of her clients by providing an exemplary service.  Furley Page is a very well run organisation so she is able to effectively manage deputyships.

Office of the Public Guardian

How can we help you?