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- Conveyancing and residential property
- Family law
- Divorce
- Divorce and financial provision
- Divorce procedure
- Children
- Procedure in cases about children
- Removing children from jurisdiction
- Alternatives to divorce
- Family law mediation
- Collaborative law
- Civil partnership dissolution and same sex divorce
- Unmarried couples – disputes and cohabitation agreements
- Pre-nuptial and post nuptial agreements
- Wills
- Succession planning and asset protection
- Probate
- Contested wills, trusts and probate
- Elderly and vulnerable client
- Powers of attorney
- Court of Protection
- Trust management
- French property and estates
- Buying and selling a French property
- English and French wills and succession planning
- Estate administration and foreign assets
- Gifts of French property
- French property transfers on divorce
- French property related services
- Tax obligations when living in France
- UK tax considerations on selling a French property
- UK tax considerations having a French property investment
- Personal injury claims
- No win – no fee injury claims explained
- Head injury claims
- Road traffic accidents – Compensation claims
- Accident claims – Slip and trip injury compensation
- Accidents in shops
- Accidents at work claims
- Accidents involving horses
- Industrial disease claims
- Work-related Covid-19 claims
- Personal injury claims – FAQs
- Medical and clinical negligence claims
- Employment law for employees
- Contracts of employment and consultancy agreements
- Data protection
- Disciplinary and grievance procedures for employees
- Discrimination
- Employment Tribunal claims by employees
- Facing redundancy
- Maternity, paternity and parental issues
- Restrictive covenants
- Settlement agreements
- Transfer of Undertakings TUPE – for employees
- Bankruptcy
- Corporate and commercial
- Real estate
- Dispute resolution
- Property disputes
- Employment law for employers
- Annual fixed fee employer service
- Confidentiality and restrictive covenants
- Disciplinary and grievance procedures
- Dismissals and settlement agreements
- Employment contracts and consultancy agreements
- Employment Tribunal claims
- GDPR for employers
- Handbooks, policies and procedures
- Redundancies and restructures
- Sickness absence
- Transfer of Undertakings TUPE
- Intellectual property rights
- E-commerce IT and information
- Insolvency
- Debt recovery
- Professional negligence
- Licensing
- Teams
- Agriculture and rural business team
- Automotive team
- Bankruptcy team
- Charities and not-for-profit team
- Civil and commercial mediation team
- Contested wills, trusts and probate team
- Corporate and commercial team
- Court of Protection team
- Debt recovery team
- Dentists team
- Dispute resolution team
- E-commerce, IT and information team
- Education team
- Elderly and vulnerable client services team
- Employment law for employees team
- Employment law for employers team
- Equine team
- Family law team
- Food and drink team
- French property and estates team
- Health and care team
- Hospitality and leisure team
- Insolvency team
- Intellectual property team
- Licensing team
- Manufacturing and distribution team
- Medical and clinical negligence team
- Personal injury team
- Powers of attorney team
- Probate team
- Professional negligence team
- Property disputes team
- Real estate team
- Residential property team
- Succession planning and asset protection team
- Trust management team
- Wills team
- Staff Directory
- Luke Amarn
- Nicola August
- Emma Baker
- Hannah Bayley
- Megan Bennie
- Anna Berry
- Jamie Bourne
- Daniel Bridgland
- Lorraine Bunting
- James Campbell
- Sophie Chapman
- Tony Chester
- Melanie Christodoulou
- Sarah Cladingboel
- Rayma Collins
- Katie Collins
- Karen Cook
- Rebecca Crane
- George Crofton-Martin
- Kelly Dickman
- Heather Dunlop
- Rosie Eastwood
- Jeremy Ferris
- David Fielding
- Patrick Glencross
- Lucie Glover
- Lauren Greenham
- Robert Harvey
- Naomi Hayward
- Francesca Hayward
- Charlotte Howe
- Simon Hutchings
- Susan Jennings
- Anna Joiner
- James Jones
- Will King
- Belinda Lewis
- Jeremy Licence
- Andrew Masters
- Luke Page
- Catherine Peckham
- Darren Philpot
- Hannah Pilcher
- Kelly Richardson
- Foirell Robinson
- Ross Rowland
- Neille Ryan
- Hannah Sawyer
- Julie Scott
- Dan Sherlock
- Charlotte Simpson
- Laura Sinclair
- Aaron Spencer
- Sophie Stachera-Stygle
- Rachael Stibbe
- Tom Swann
- Alexandra Tingley
- Josie Triffitt
- Deborah Trott
- Kathryn Tunbridge
- Malcolm Twyman
- Deborah Vaysse
- Christopher Wacher
- Richard Waters
- Sarah Webster
- Angela White
- Sharon Wilson-Dutin
- Catherine Wolstencroft
- Sarah Woolnough